José Luis Cuevas
If you are interested in buying or selling works by José Luis Cuevas, please send an email to or call +1 (415) 362-1480.
Five paintings by José Luis Cuevas at Them Mexican Museum, San Francisco
José Luis Cuevas, New York Police Station
José Luis Cuevas (26 February, 1934 - 3 July, 2017)
Born in Mexico City (1934), José Luis Cuevas became one of the most important Mexican artists of the last century, known for breaking away from the Mexican Muralist Movement (spearheaded by the Big Three - Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siquerios, and José Clemente Orozco).
Not only a painter and illustrator, Cuevas was also known for his printmaking and sculpture, his artwork often depicting distorted human forms.
Cuevas was a key figure in the Generación de la Ruptura (The Rupture Movement), and passed away in 2017.
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