Painted Animal Skull by Cecilio Sanchez

painted animal skull by Cecilio Sanchez

This is a painted object by Cecilio Sanchez, created in the mid 1990’s. Based out of Oaxaca, Mexico, Cecilio Sanchez was one of the popular painters in the 90’s and early 2000’s from the school of Oaxaca.

The object is an animal skull, although it is unknown what animal the skull belonged to, it looks like it could have belonged to a large mammal such as a horse or a cow.

Depending on which angle you examine it from, the skull takes on different shapes, forms, and meanings. When viewing the skull from above, the top of it looks like a mask - and the viewer can see a portrait of standing human figure, painted by Sanchez. When turned to the side the object portrays a large human skull with an eye protruding forwards, the teeth of the skull overlap the actual teeth of the object, allowing the image to blend into the object it was painted onto. And when viewed from the front the object looks like a fish, swimming towards the viewer.  

The skull has the feel of something ancient and primordial, such as a prehistoric cave painting. The aesthetic and imagery of the peice was inspired by Cecilio’s influence from the culture and mythology of the Zopotec people - the indigenous people of his home - Oaxaca, Mexico. During the period in which this object was created, Cecilio Sanchez made a number of unique creations like this from natural materials, including masks made from amate paper and snake skin, as well as painted objects such as sea shells, bones, and skulls.

Overall a wonderful and unique work of art by the artist, Cecilio Sanchez. To get a better view of the object and its complexicty, watch the short video presentation below.